TES ~ OTB Casual Entry.

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When TES for OTBs was developed, Clubs indicated they did not use TES for OTB  Casual Entries as it was

  • too difficult to have a computer and a person to handle such entrants  on race day; and,
  • it was too hard to police payments.

As such, TES for OTB does not support casual Race Entrants in the same manner as TES for Keel Boats.

Clubs who now wish to use TES for OTB  for casual Race Entrants must follow the follow this work-around.

  1. TopYacht staff need to set up a dedicated “Race Entrants/Casual” series to accept the casual entrants.
  2. TopYacht staff need to set up a dedicated “Miscellaneous” series to park the spent casual entrants.
  3. The Club’s TopYacht operator must set up TopYacht to import the entrants from the Series Entrants Series and from the Race Entry/Casual series. See TES ~ Importing OTB Entrants into TopYacht via Step 6a
  4. After each day’s racing (say Monday afternoon), move each of the Race Entrants into the Miscellaneous series.  They can make a “new” Race Entry again at a later date.
  5. The Race Entry series can only take “instant” Credit Card payment so no play no play!